We are available during normal daytime business hours to provide in person and telephone contacts. You can reach us at (760) 734-3769 or our toll free number 1(800) 990-8339. You can also email at info@theorganizer2.com or fax us at (760) 734-1142. Please call us if you would like to make an appointment, appointments are encouraged for shorter wait times.

A Federal & State Payee

What we do...

People who are referred to a Representative Payee, have displayed a need for assistance in the most basic aspects of day-to-day living decisions. Whether functionally disabled, recovering from addiction, or mentally impaired, these people need help.

A Representative Payee is chosen through a variety of channels to ensure that the basic needs of food, shelter, and clothing are provided.

Why we do it...

More than six million people who get monthly Social Security or supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits or both, need someone to help them manage their money. In many cases the burden of responsibility falls to family members or friends. Often, such arrangements produce a strain on these relationships. One goal of a Representative Payee is to spare the beneficiaries and there loved ones this type of distress.

As the The Organizer II, Inc. we take our responsibility as a Federal/State Payee beyond the administrative function of writing checks and budgeting your monthly income. We take a personal interest in the well-being and wellness of each and every person appointed to our service.

Miracles happen to those who believe.

With too many people needing help, and not enough people to offer it, we have chosen to become a part of the solution. As a Federal/State Payee company, we are dedicated to ensuring that our clients receive the proper assistance to live a life with dignity and security.